UPDATE: Goodwill Car Donations is currently accepting vehicle donations. Call 866-233-8586 to schedule an unattended FREE pickup. To learn what actions we are taking to ensure you are protected when you donate a vehicle to Goodwill Car Donations, please click here.

Classic Green Station Wagon | Goodwill Car Donations Photo by Christopher Osten under Unsplash License

Get Outstanding Rewards for Touching Lives!

Would you believe that we can turn your old and barely functioning station wagon into a powerful tool for transforming the lives of the needy men and women in your community? Yes, we can do that!

By donating that vehicle to us at Goodwill Car Donations, you’ll be helping your less fortunate neighbors enjoy a better quality of life. That’s the power of a station wagon donation!

We will auction off your vehicle and turn over the proceeds to the Goodwill organizations serving your area. These IRS-approved 501(c)(3) nonprofits are dedicated to helping disadvantaged Americans — those who are being weighed down by their disabilities, lack of education, job experience, or essential skills, and other limiting personal issues, such as being a former inmate or having welfare mentality.

Your local Goodwill organizations use the funding they get from us to provide their beneficiaries with:

  • Job training and placement
  • On-site and virtual skills training
  • Career development and counseling
  • Youth education and employment
  • Mentoring
  • Disability benefits support
  • Family strengthening services
  • Financial management training

Thanks to your station wagon donation, the once-idle folks in your community will potentially gain the opportunity to become productive workers, helping their families and contributing to the progress and growth of your community.

Donating Your Station Wagon Is as Easy as Pie!

Unlike many car donation programs in the country, Goodwill offers a donation process that takes only a few minutes to get started. Our team will handle all the paperwork for you as well as the free pickup and towing of your station wagon. Just let us know that you’re ready to donate, and your station wagon will be on its way to bringing positive changes in the lives of the less fortunate.

There are two ways to reach Goodwill Car Donations: Fill out our online donation form or call 866-233-8586. Provide us a few details about your vehicle, including its year, make, model, mileage, VIN, condition, and title availability. In case you no longer have the title with you, we’ll have a staff member guide you on how to obtain a replacement title.

After we verify all the information we need, we’ll call you back to set up an arrangement for the FREE pickup of your station wagon. Give us your preferred time, date, and location for this. We’ll coordinate with a professional towing company to collect your vehicle. The company will issue you a towing receipt before its tow truck leaves with your vehicle. You can use the receipt to cancel your car’s insurance coverage and DMV registration.

Within 30 days after the sale of your station wagon donation, we’ll mail you the 100% tax-deductible sales receipt of your vehicle where you’ll see its final selling price. That’s the amount you can claim as your tax deduction when you file your itemized tax return in the next tax-filing season.

For more information about our donation program, head over to our FAQs page. Should you have any questions or concerns, you may contact us at 866-233-8586 or send us a message here.

Compelling Reasons for Teaming Up with Goodwill

Aside from giving you the chance to bring hope and joy to the underprivileged members of your community, your station wagon donation to Goodwill will also benefit you in many ways. Expect these perks to come your way:

  1. Get the maximum tax deduction!

You’ll be flashing that radiant smile in the next tax season when you get to deduct the full selling price of your car from your taxable income. We’ll make sure that your station wagon gets sold at its highest possible price level so you can claim the top tax deduction.

  1. Get rid of your unwanted vehicle without paying even a dime!

With our free vehicle removal service available in all 50 states, you’ll pay nothing to have your station wagon picked up and towed away. And it’s up to you to pick the date, time, and place for this.

  1. No paperwork to stress over!

Our team of donation specialists will handle every piece of document that’s required for tax purposes, including the paperwork for the transfer of ownership.

  1. Say goodbye to costly car-related expenses!

By letting go of your unwanted station wagon, you free yourself from the burden of paying for its repairs, maintenance, and insurance coverage.

  1. No need to go through the troubles of selling!

Donating your vehicle instead of selling it means you get to avoid the hassle of posting ads, doing sales pitches, and haggling with potential buyers. You also no longer have to worry about spending for its repairs and refurbishment since we’ll take your station wagon as it is.

  1. Feel great about yourself!

Extending a helping hand to those in dire need of assistance always brings a sense of fulfillment. Knowing that your station wagon donation will uplift so many lives in your area is certainly something you’ll feel good about.

You Can Donate Other Vehicle Types, Too!

Aside from your station wagon, you can also donate to us any other vehicle types that you may have that you also no longer need. Goodwill Car Donations accepts almost all types of vehicles regardless of their age and condition. Here are just some of the vehicles that we’ve been receiving from our donors:

  • Sedans
  • Hatchbacks
  • SUVs
  • Trucks
  • RVs
  • Campers
  • Motorcycles
  • Golf carts
  • Boats
  • Jet skis
  • Farm equipment

For a comprehensive list, feel free to check out this page.

Oldtimer Station Wagon | Goodwill Car Donations Photo by Steve Harvey under Unsplash License

Be a Bringer of Hope Today!

Let the disadvantaged members of your community know there’s a better life waiting for them. Make a station wagon donation to Goodwill by calling 866-233-8586 or filling out our secure online donation form now!


Last Updated: April 18th, 2023