UPDATE: Goodwill Car Donations is currently accepting vehicle donations. Call 866-233-8586 to schedule an unattended FREE pickup. To learn what actions we are taking to ensure you are protected when you donate a vehicle to Goodwill Car Donations, please click here.

What Your Exhaust Color Means

Car Exhaust Pipe | Goodwill Car Donations Photo by Alexei_other under Pixabay License

Do You See Any of These 4 Colors in Your Car?

Just as dashboard lights and noise can tell you that there’s something’s wrong with your car, the color of your exhaust can do that, too.

The color is an indicator of your vehicle’s health, with a certain color serving as a sign of the issue that your vehicle has. The exhaust color can help narrow down the things in your auto that need fixing. It can be caused by a defective air filter or your engine itself. The color can tell you whether you need to get your car checked by a mechanic.

Goodwill Car Donations shares the four common exhaust colors that vehicle owners may see in their cars and what they mean:

  1. Thin white/light smoke

This is just water vapor and the kind of smoke that’s considered normal especially during cold days. You likely have nothing to worry about if this is all you’re seeing.

  1. Black smoke

This exhaust color means you’re burning too much fuel. There are several causes for this, including a dirty air filter that needs to be replaced. Bring your car to a repair shop as soon as you can to avoid wasting more fuel than you need as well as unfriendly stares from other drivers.

  1. Blue smoke

This usually means an oil leak in your engine, which is burning oil. Leaks mean your oil level runs low more quickly than usual, meaning less lubrication for some of your car’s components and increased wear.

  1. Continuous thick white/gray smoke

Smoke that’s thick and continuous isn’t normal. The most likely cause for this is a leaking head gasket, causing the coolant to enter the combustion chamber and producing the exhaust color and thickness.

Stressed Out Over Your Problematic Car? Here’s the Best Solution

Trying to fix issues with your car can get tiring and frustrating. If your vehicle is of an older model, it can be pretty expensive, too. If you’re neck-deep in frustration and your repair bills are going through the roof, consider donating that automobile to us at Goodwill Car Donations.

We’ll turn that vehicle into a tool designed to uplift the lives of the disadvantaged people in your community. These are the men and women who are burdened with disabilities, lack of education, essential skills, or job experience, and other limiting personal issues, such as being a former inmate. These barriers prevent them from finding decent sources of income that can free them from a life of poverty.

Your car donation will help dismantle those barriers.

We’ll fix and polish your vehicle before putting it on the auction block. Once the vehicle is sold off, we’ll turn over the proceeds to the Goodwill organizations serving your area.

These IRS-certified 501(c)(3) nonprofits are dedicated to helping underprivileged Americans. They use the money sourced from vehicle donations to provide their beneficiaries with job and skills training, vocational services, scholarships, financial aid, mentoring and internship assistance, disability benefits, family support, and other types of support services.

As a Goodwill donor, you’ll enjoy awesome perks. Aside from the joy of knowing that you’ll be helping less fortunate folks achieve financial stability and a much better quality of life, you’ll also find satisfaction when we haul off your vehicle for free and enable you to receive the maximum tax deduction in the next tax season.

We accept nearly all vehicle types, even those that are no longer working properly. You can donate anywhere in the country since we have vehicle donation centers in all 50 states plus the District of Columbia.

If you want more information about Goodwill Car Donations, including our quick and easy donation process, head over to our FAQs page. For your questions or concerns, call us anytime through our toll-free hotline at 866-233-8586. You may also contact us online.


Be a Life-Changer with Your Car Donation Today!

car parked near fence of residential building | Goodwill Car Donations Photo by Erik Mclean under Pexels License

Turn your unwanted car into a symbol of hope for the disadvantaged. Transform their lives by partnering with us at Goodwill Car Donations. Give us a ring at 866-233-8586 or fill out our secure online donation form now!


Last Updated: March 1st, 2023