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6 Ways to Prevent Salt Corrosion in Winter

A Black Dodge Car Parked on a Snow Covered Ground | Goodwill Car Donations

Photo by Ivan Kazlouski under Pexels License

Salt Can Be Your Car’s Worst Enemy!

Winter is beautiful. However, it can also cause considerable damage to your car if you’re not careful. While people often associate this season with snow and icy roads, many forget about road salt and its effects on vehicles.

How to Protect Your Car Against Salt Corrosion

Highway authorities lay layers of salt on main thoroughfares to keep motorists safe during winter. The salt helps prevent ice from forming on the ground and posing as road hazards.

Unfortunately, salt can also cause considerable damage to a vehicle’s engine and exterior. For this reason, Goodwill Car Donations shares these precautionary measures to help you protect your car from salt corrosion.

  1. Set a regular car washing schedule.

Preventing salt from getting on your vehicle during winter is nearly impossible. However, following a regular washing schedule can reduce the chances of corrosion. Experts recommend washing your car with warm water every 10 days to avoid salt accumulation.

  1. Wash your vehicle’s undercarriage.

The engine and other vital components that make your car run are located in its undercarriage. Due to its location below the car, the undercarriage gets the most exposure to road salt. Unless you regularly wash it, salt can eat away at metal parts, including the engine, causing it to fail.

Do your car a favor by rinsing its undercarriage after a drive to eliminate the salt that might have adhered to it. If possible, avoid driving during or after a snowstorm to prevent salt from building up in the undercarriage.

  1. Wax your car’s exterior often.

Waxing your car adds a layer of protection to your car’s exterior. Since the wax allows salt and other debris to stick to it without penetrating the metal parts, it prevents road salt from wreaking havoc on your car’s exterior. If you use wax, be sure to reapply it occasionally because its protection wears off after constant exposure to environmental elements.

  1. Coat your vehicle with a paint protection film.

You can protect your car’s exterior against road salt damage during winter by coating it with a paint protection film. Using it ensures that your car’s true paint remains in its original color, regardless of exposure to road salt and other elements. You can use this product on the undercarriage, rocker panels, front and rear wheel openings, bumper, and more.

  1. Keep wet leaves off your vehicle.

Although wet leaves may seem harmless, they carry moisture and salt that can damage your car. They’re more likely to cause rusting of your vehicle’s exterior the longer they sit there. For this reason, removing wet leaves as soon as possible from your hood, wheels, and other hidden parts is highly recommended.

  1. Avoid driving in deep snow.

Driving in deep snow poses a danger to you and your passengers and can also cause packed salt to stick to your vehicle’s undercarriage. Once the salt particles get into the undercarriage, they can penetrate tiny crevices where they’re more difficult to remove. Over time, this leads to rusting and costly engine damage.

Make a Difference This Winter!

If your car has more serious problems than corrosion, perhaps it’s time to get yourself a brand-new set of wheels. Consider donating your old beater to us at Goodwill Car Donations. We’ll use it to bring new hope to the less fortunate folks in your community.

We’ll put up your vehicle for auction and hand over the proceeds to the Goodwill organizations serving your area. These IRS-certified 501(c)(3) nonprofits cater to disadvantaged individuals — those who are burdened with disabilities, lack of education, job experience, or essential skills, and other limiting personal circumstances, such as having prison or police records and being welfare-dependent.

Your local Goodwill organizations use the funding they get from us to provide their beneficiaries with job and skills training, employment opportunities, scholarships, livelihood assistance, disability benefits, family support, educational services, financial assistance, and other essential support services.

As a Goodwill donor, you’ll be entitled to a fast and free towing service anywhere in the country. You’ll also have the privilege of claiming the highest possible tax deduction in the next tax season.

Moreover, your charitable contribution will bring you an immense sense of satisfaction, knowing that you’re empowering the underprivileged residents of your community through learning and work.

Since we accept almost all vehicle types for donation, feel free to donate a car, truck, van, RV, or even an old riding lawnmower. We’re not picky with donations and accept even those that are old and no longer in good condition.

Check out our FAQs page for more information about our vehicle donation program, including our quick and easy donation process. If you have questions, call us anytime through our toll-free hotline at 866-233-8586 or message us here.

Start Changing Lives Today!

You’ll become a champion of the disadvantaged folks in your community when you donate a vehicle to Goodwill Car Donations. Your car donation will help them lead healthy and productive lives. Call us at 866-233-8586 or fill out our secure online donation form now!


Last Updated: November 30th, 2023