UPDATE: Goodwill Car Donations is currently accepting vehicle donations. Call 866-233-8586 to schedule an unattended FREE pickup. To learn what actions we are taking to ensure you are protected when you donate a vehicle to Goodwill Car Donations, please click here.

4 Ways Financial Literacy in Adult Education Can Help Make Your Life Better

How to Become More Confident in Managing Your Income | Goodwill Car Donations Photo by Bich Tran under Pexels License

How to Become More Confident in Managing Your Income

Financial literacy is a key aspect of adult education that helps learners make financial decisions that can boost their self-sufficiency, economic stability, and overall well-being. Acquiring the essential tools for gaining financial literacy can help you become more confident in managing your income and making sound financial decisions.

In 2011, the U.S. government, through the Financial Literacy and Education Commission, launched the National Strategy for Financial Literacy. The program covers money management, credit, debt management, risk management, investment, and retirement.

The program aims to teach adult Americans the basic principles of how to earn, save, invest, protect, spend, and borrow money to help them achieve financial stability and avoid economic pitfalls.

Financial literacy is an essential component of the Literacy Information and Communication System initiative of the U.S. Department of Education, branding it as one of the skills that matter most for adult learners.


4 Reasons for Learning Financial Literacy

Based on the 2020 records of the United States Census Bureau, an average American household is roughly $62,000 in debt from student loans, vehicle loans, mortgage loans, credit card loans, and even medical loans. Better financial awareness could help them deal with these obligations and free themselves from these burdens.

Goodwill Car Donations shows four ways financial literacy in adult education can help make your life better.

  • Day-to-day spending

Are you prone to impulse spending and unable to get the best value for your money? Financial literacy in adult education can help you better understand how your actions affect your personal and household situations. This makes you well aware of how your decisions can affect the fulfillment of your financial obligations such as paying bills and loans.

  • Managing finances

Data shows that many Americans find it difficult to manage credit card debts and save for their retirement. Are you one of them? Financial education can help you keep track of your finances to help you better manage your budget.

  • Navigating through financial decisions

Without financial literacy tools and knowledge, you may find it difficult to understand the processes in financial systems and services, acquiring insurance, planning for retirement, purchasing a home, managing debt, assessing job offers, or dealing with issues related to divorce or the death of a family member. Even purchasing a car is a decision that requires you to have some measure of financial savvy.

  • Improving health and well-being

Financial issues can affect your mental and overall well-being. Unmet financial obligations can cause you stress and anxiety, which affects how you focus on work and other aspects of your life. Having the financial maturity to deal with these problems reduces the amount of pressure you have to deal with.


Here’s How You Can Support Your Community’s Disadvantaged Members

The disadvantaged members of your community are among those who need to acquire financial literacy to free themselves from poverty. These are those who are saddled with disabilities, those who lack education, job experience, or essential skills, and those who are beset with other personal issues that make it hard for them to find decent sources of income to support themselves and their families.

You can help them by simply donating any unwanted vehicle to Goodwill Car Donations. We will use your donation to make life better for the underprivileged men and women in your locality.

Our team will sell your donated vehicle in one of the best auction houses in our network, with the proceeds going to the Goodwill organizations serving your area.

These IRS-certified 501(c)(3) nonprofits use the funding that comes from our vehicle donation program to assist disadvantaged Americans all over the country, providing them with job and skills training, employment opportunities, scholarships, livelihood assistance, disability benefits, family support, educational services, financial assistance, and many other essential support services.

Donating to Goodwill Car Donations means getting your unwanted vehicle picked up and towed away for free. It also means getting entitled to claim the maximum tax deduction in the next tax season.

Moreover, your act of charity will bring you an immense sense of satisfaction, knowing that you’ll be contributing to the growth and development of your community by empowering your needy fellow residents through work and learning.

Making a car donation to Goodwill is super easy. It’s quick, convenient, and hassle-free. All you need to do is contact us. We’ll handle everything else.

We accept a wide range of vehicle types. Whether you’re donating a car, a motorbike, or even a broken-down truck, we’ll be glad to receive it.

Your location should not be a problem either. We can collect your donation anywhere in the United States.

You can get more information about us, including our quick and easy donation process, by checking out our FAQs page. Should you have any questions or concerns, you may reach us through our 24/7 toll-free hotline at 866-233-8586. You may also send us a message here.

Start Giving Hope Today | Goodwill Car Donations Photo by Matteo Basile under Pexels License

Start Giving Hope Today!

Reach out to the less fortunate members of your community today. You can do that by turning your unwanted auto into a powerful tool for transforming their lives. Call Goodwill Car Donations at 866-233-8586 or fill out our secure online donation form now!


Last Updated: August 13th, 2023